quarta-feira, 29 de abril de 2009

O Escrito do já Dito

FeedBack Song for a dying Friend [2x]

Madness and lonelyness

you're telling me about

my friend

and is all buried inside you

And quite more

I would've told to you

'bout that tough fake resemblance

'bout your untrue pose

could not be more explicit (it)

as an announcement

of a real

weak soul portrait.

And of an martial art

hidden place you've made

of a simulate deep voice

as long as you succeded

I'm pretending

Not to feel sorry for you.

I'm pretending

Not to feel darker as you.

I'm not a good player.

(G. Borges)

2 comentários:

Taísa disse...

Teu "Quem sou eu" é melhor que o meu! Hump.

Quero textos típicos e jecas. Obrigada!


borges disse...

a freguesa tem sempre razão. Breve alguma coisa falada em semi-jequês bem típico(ao menos no meu dia-a-dia).
Vontade eu tenho, só-me-falta-me-o-áudio-captador.